@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ To install the application:
1. Install external dependencies
2. Install Python dependencies used by the service
3. Get a WorldWeatherOnline API Key
4. Configure wego
3. Configure IP2Location (optional)
4. Get a WorldWeatherOnline API and configure wego
5. Configure wttr.in
6. Configure the HTTP-frontend service
@ -278,14 +278,24 @@ If `virtualenv` is used:
Also, you need to install the geoip2 database.
You can use a free database GeoLite2 that can be downloaded from (http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/).
### Get a WorldWeatherOnline key
### Configure IP2Location (optional)
If you want to use the IP2location service for IP-addresses that are not covered by GeoLite2,
you have to obtain a API key of that service, and after that save into the `~/.ip2location.key` file:
$ echo 'YOUR_IP2LOCATION_KEY' > ~/.ip2location.key
If you don't have this file, the service will be silently skipped (it is not a big problem,
because the MaxMind database is pretty good).
### Get a WorldWeatherOnline key and configure wego
To get a WorldWeatherOnline API key, you must register here:
### Configure wego
After you have a WorldWeatherOnline key, you can configure `wego`:
$ cat ~/.wegorc