@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ import pyte.screens
import unicodedata2
MYDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname('__file__')))
sys.path.append("%s/lib/" % MYDIR)
import parse_query
PNG_CACHE = os.path.join(MYDIR, "cache/png")
COLS = 180
@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ def script_category(char):
return cat
def gen_term(filename, buf):
def gen_term(filename, buf, options=None):
buf = strip_buf(buf)
cols = len(buf[0])
rows = len(buf)
@ -151,9 +154,33 @@ def gen_term(filename, buf):
y_pos += CHAR_HEIGHT
if 'transparency' in options:
transparency = options.get('transparency', '255')
transparency = int(transparency)
transparceny = 255
if transparency < 0:
transparency = 0
if transparency > 255:
transparency = 255
image = image.convert("RGBA")
datas = image.getdata()
new_data = []
for item in datas:
new_item = tuple(list(item[:3]) + [transparency])
def typescript_to_one_frame(png_file, text):
def typescript_to_one_frame(png_file, text, options=None):
Render text (terminal sequence) in png_file
@ -169,7 +196,7 @@ def typescript_to_one_frame(png_file, text):
gen_term(png_file, screen.buffer)
gen_term(png_file, screen.buffer, options=options)
# wttr.in related functions
@ -189,6 +216,7 @@ def parse_wttrin_png_name(name):
parsed = {}
to_be_parsed = {}
if name.lower()[-4:] == '.png':
parsed['filetype'] = 'png'
@ -197,7 +225,7 @@ def parse_wttrin_png_name(name):
parts = name.split('_')
parsed['location'] = parts[0]
for part in parts:
for part in parts[1:]:
if re.match('(?:[0-9]+)x', part):
parsed['width'] = part[:-1]
elif re.match('x(?:[0-9]+)', part):
@ -206,7 +234,11 @@ def parse_wttrin_png_name(name):
parsed['width'], parsed['height'] = part.split('x', 1)
elif '=' in part:
arg, val = part.split('=', 1)
parsed[arg] = val
to_be_parsed[arg] = val
to_be_parsed[part] = ''
return parsed
@ -246,6 +278,9 @@ def make_wttr_in_png(png_name, options=None):
parsed = parse_wttrin_png_name(png_name)
print "------"
print parsed
print "------"
# if location is MyLocation it should be overriden
# with autodetected location (from options)
@ -273,6 +308,6 @@ def make_wttr_in_png(png_name, options=None):
text = requests.get(url).text.replace('\n', '\r\n')
curl_output = text.encode('utf-8')
typescript_to_one_frame(cached_png_file, curl_output)
typescript_to_one_frame(cached_png_file, curl_output, options=parsed)
return cached_png_file